Sunday, December 7, 2008

Introducing SameTime 1:04

The Idea:

SameTime 1:04 is a spontaneous photography project taking direct inspiration from SameTime 7:15 (Michael Lease, Kate Macdonnell, Bryan Martin, Jesse Sommerlatt, Brad Walker, and Soung Wiser ; This is a year-long commitment starting January 1, 2009 and ending January 1, 2010. Participants must be dedicated to taking one photo everyday in this time period at exactly 1:04 pm. This picture should not be a planned piece of art, but rather serve as a spontaneous, artisitc documenation of the place you were in, the people you were with, or an inspirational object near you at 1:04 pm daily. This project will not be successful without full cooperation and dedication from all participants. The following rules expand on this idea.

The Rules:

- One photo taken at the said time (spontaneously) everyday
- 1:04 pm everyday- no exceptions
- Self-portraits allowed if someone else takes them for you- no myspace looking photos
- You must crop your own photos to a 5 in by 5 in square format
- One sentence captions must accompany your photos

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