Amber: Homemade, peach Pie!

Ben: It was a rewarding drive home, despite the weather, the clouds, the cast, the wind; there was a relief and a weight lifted once the final was over (with unsuspecting redundancy); I printed a sixty-page pager, paid five dollars for the paper, and handed over what I hoped to be an A.

Morgan: The Invention of the Photographic Process.

Rachel: Arbys; The first time when the clock has struck 1:04 when one of our regular customers came by and I felt comfortable enough asking to take her picture. The day was in haywire... everything was going wrong; the Pepsi was out, the company owner and president were there, and a new coupon started today which sent backline into chaos. Finally, this sweet, old lady came by and ordered her usual Crispy Chicken Deluxe add tomato and a large unsweetened iced tea... her smile and friendliness made everything better.
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