Saturday, March 21, 2009


Amber: Day Hike with VCU Outdoor Adventure Program, awesome.

Ben: "I am quite bankrupt, you know."
"How is that?"
"Two ways: Gradually then Suddenly."
"Did you see it coming?"
"Of course. Fate is reliable as hell."
"Hell you say."
"Sure. Odds show no prejudice. We're all cheated sooner or later out of something or other. It's nice knowing I'm only doing my part in the grand scheme of things, being normal that is."
"Like plot."
"Yes. Like a book's plot. I'm a character helping things along."

Morgan: Driving to Pennsylvania for a tournament. We just entered Maryland.

Rachel: Zombie Rehearsal for Regency Dance Academy's alumni number.
Photo by: Tracy Crouch.

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